Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Prioritizing the Science

The NASA Physics of the Cosmos Program Office is organizing a TDAMM Initiative Workshop. The goal of the three-day workshop, to be held August 22 – 24, 2022, in the Annapolis area, is to identify and prioritize the top science questions for Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (TDAMM) that need to be addressed to implement the recommendations of the Astro 2020 Decadal Report. NASA invites US and international members of the ground and space science community and of the astronomy and physics communities to attend the workshop and contribute to its final product, a publicly available report with findings for the NASA Headquarters Astrophysics Division.

This workshop is strictly on science only and we are steering away from proposed missions, focusing instead on current and already approved missions and facilities. NASA needs the science information before we can all start planning for missions. Contributions highlighting proposed missions are not solicited.



The 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey identified TDAMM as the top space priority of the sustaining activities for the future decades, recognizing breakthrough science in the last several years and setting expectations for the future. One of the primary recommendations of the Decadal Survey was to address outstanding science questions, and the need for coordination of the various stakeholders from the ground and space, astronomy, and physics communities. It is first necessary to hone in on the most compelling scientific questions that need to be addressed, and the priority of those questions in order to plan for future activities for technology investments, mission concepts, and infrastructure. To this end, participation of all stakeholders is necessary. The workshop results will assist NASA with next steps for the formulation of a plan for enabling the Astro 2020 recommendation to “sustain the necessary suite of space-based electromagnetic capabilities required to study transient and time-variable phenomena, and to follow-up multi-messenger events.”

Example questions the workshop will address include:

  • What are or will be the most pressing scientific questions for TDAMM in the next several years?
  • Which capabilities (top level) are needed to address them?
  • How well does the current mission fleet address them?
  • Which avenues of inquiry will be most ripe for discovery in the next few years?
  • What collaboration between the ground and space can be done to maximize the science?

Format of the Workshop

The workshop will be conducted in person in the Annapolis, MD, area, with in-person and virtual participation. Speakers should plan to attend in person if possible, but remote presentations will also be arranged when needed.


Science Organizing Committee

S. Gezari (co-Chair), R. Sambruna (co-Chair), J. Andrews, M. Branchesi, K. Breivik, S. Burke-Spolaor, B. Cenko, A. Franckowiak, M. Kasliwal, R. Margutti, B. Metzger, G. Nelemans, S. Nissanke, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, A. Romero-Wolf, P. Whitelock, C. Wilson-hodge


Local Organizing Committee

C. Barclay (Chair), S. Clark, M. Morrow, S. Gezari, R. Caputo, R. Sambruna, J. Slutsky


Invited Speakers

E. Aydi, I. Bartos, A. Corsi, K. De, A. Ho, E. Kara, C. Kilpatrick, K. Kremer, A. Lien, T. Liu, K. Maguire, E. Rossi, M. Santander, S. Scaringi, S. van Velzen



The meeting will be held over 3 full days and will feature plenary sessions and parallel sessions. Every day, there will be up to 4 parallel sessions distributed in the morning and afternoon. On the last day, an outline of the report will be drafted with the final conclusions of the deliberations and writing assignments made.

Parallel sessions:

Non-Terminal Sources:
    WD systems (CVs, WD binaries)
    NS/BH systems (XRBs, magnetars, pulsars)
    SMBH systems (AGN, SMBH binaries)
    supernova remnants, starburst galaxies, galaxy clusters

Jetted Transients:
    NS/BH systems (micro quasars, LGRBs, SGRBs)
    SMBH systems (TDEs, blazers)
    engine-powered SNe

Merger driven Transients:
    SMBH binaries, EMRIs
    stellar mergers, common envelope systems, classical and symbiotic novae

Explosive transients:
    Type Ia SNe, WD TDEs
    core-collapse SNe (normal, SLSNe, PISNe, interacting)
    known unknowns (FRBs, FXTs) and unknown unknowns


Contributed Talks and e-Posters

Each parallel session will feature an invited speaker and contributed talks, selected among submitted abstracts. Note that the talks should be focused on addressing the specific questions of the workshop, and not simply be a presentation of original research in the field. Here is the suggested format for the contributed talks.

Posters will only be accepted in an electronic format. Poster should also conform to the provided format; however, early career scientists are allowed to focus more on their research results. The posters will be made available electronically to all attendants one week before the start of the workshop, to give ample time for reviewing.


Information on the Venue

The location for the TDAMM Workshop to be held August 22 – 24, 2022, is in Annapolis, Maryland. Additional location details below:

Governor Calvert House, Maryland Inn
58 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
History of Annapolis

There are a limited number of rooms available at a reduced rate. We encourage those who plan to attend this workshop in person to make reservations soon, and at the latest on July 21, 2022. The Maryland Inn has provided a link: NASA Workshop Block. The workshop will include support for virtual attendance for those unable to attend in person.

Additionally, please review and submit the code of conduct prior to attending the workshop. We will update the website with a schedule shortly, and send an email to this list when it's ready. To submit ePosters, please upload a PDF version here.

Even though NASA is pleased to offer participation in this workshop with no registration fees, it is still important to register regardless of whether you are planning to attend in person or virtually. If you have not done so already, please register here.

NASA employees please remember to register participation in NCTS.



As a result of high interest in attending the TDAMM workshop, we will need to begin using a waitlist for those who are not currently registered as an in-person attendee. You will have the option in the registration form to choose to be on the in-person waiting list or to attend virtually. Anyone who remains on the waiting list as of July 22, will automatically be moved to virtual attendance and will be notified via email. If circumstances change, and you need to switch from in-person to virtual, please contact or; this will allow us to offer your space to your colleagues who would like to attend and are on the waiting list.

Please fill out the registration form to register for the workshop.


Abstract Submissions

Abstract submissions will open on Monday, April 11th, and will be due by Monday, May 16th. Contributed talks will be selected by June 15th.


Contact Email

Send inquiries to TDAMM Workshop Inquiries

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